We get so many questions about dermaplaning so we are going to answer them in a Q&A!
[Q] Does dermaplaning your face make your hair grow back thicker?
[A] No! This is a myth, dermaplaning will not make your hair grow back thicker, it will grow back the same thickness as before.
[Q] Who shouldn't use derma razors?
[A] People with severe sunburn, active breakouts and people with flared up sensitive skin.
[Q] Will dermaplaning cause stubble?
[A] It is common to feel slight stubble on your face from dermplaning. This is from all the hairs growing back at the same time and how the hair was cut, it will not cause thicker hairs growing back, your hair will be the same.
[Q] How many times can you use a derma razor?
[A] 2-3 times per razor.
[Q] Can you exfoliate after dermaplaning?
[A] The dermaplaing process removes dead skin on face, wait a least 3-4 days.